Saturday, April 2, 2011


Greetings to all!
I am navigating the world of blogs and have decided to give this a try as a communication venue to chronicle upcoming travels and tales. "Ultreya" is the given title of this first posting, a Spanish word derived from the original Latin meaning of "Onward". It was enthusiastically  shouted one to another to offer encouragement or perseverance to continue onward and upward as medieval pilgrims slowly approached their final destination to the town of Santiago de Compostelo, located in the lush green and wet environs of the  northeastern province of Galicia. 

 I leave in short few days  to commence on what will likely be a  bucket list adventure of cultural discovery and spiritual contemplative walking along the Camino de Santiago in northern Spain. True to nature I am finalizing my packing and route selection after just returning from a jaunt to Peru and will  likely select the "Camino Frances" route which begins in St. Jean Pied-de-Port, France and concludes in Santiago de Compostelo, Spain...roughly 800 km or 497 miles away. In naming this blog, "One Foot Sojourner" has been chosen as I believe the act of placing one foot, however so slowly, in front of the other begins a journey of discovery of unknown lessons, truths, insights, and adventure that seem to shape experience and perspective. The word  Sojourner derives from the late 13th century French definition to stay or dwell for a time. 

 The seed for this upcoming walk was planted some 13 years ago while working in southern Spain and traveling on holiday to the north.  A posted yellow scallop shell, the Camino directional waymarker , was spotted along several roadways as well as immeshed into the cobblestone bridge crossings and building facades in Burgos, Spain. A wandering and following of this shell off a sidestreet near the main cathedral in Leon, famous for its artistic stain glassed windows, led to a darkened , dusty, and miniscule bookshop where an elderly man generously gifted me  a small four page book of meditations along the trail. A purchase of a guidebook including history and routes and a butchering of the Spanish language led to a discourse on what the shells might communicate . The curious idea had been set in motion. In later years while working in Atlanta a patient also provided a brochure as we discovered our common bond of living in Spain and love of long distance walking, journeys, and nature. The root was taking hold.

So... onward I go as to finalize preparations for  departure ... selection of items for the backpack for "simplified" living including earplugs and sleeping bag for dormitory or refuge communal dwellings with fellow pilgrims, tent if needed, maps and itineraries which remain to be deciphered which will  chart the course for the next month or so,  a breaking in of shoes, organization of household matters that will be put on hold until my return, last day of work, a kiss to the cats, and I am off.  The list seems rather practical but a bit of trepidation ensues as I've not particularly trained for this outing other than copious reading , scouring of the internet on forums of fellow travelers, and an active last week roaming around Peru with about 3-5 miles walked each day. From prior experience I must believe that with positive spirit and slowly taken, one foot in front of the other and an opening of the door will be enough.  The trail seems to toughen one up, gently or otherwise by default....hmmm..ah well slowly and tranquila I will amble along. Initial goals of perhaps 12 miles per day will be set with frequent rest breaks for cafe con leche with a lengthening of days as fitness levels increase and feet toughen. We shall see !

I invite you to stay for a bit and check in as able as I share these musings and tales of my temporary dwelling on the road to Santiago! Bienvenido (welcome) and Ultreya to you whichever road you may travel. Peace this day !


  1. Susan, I'm so excited for you and will be following this blog while I hike the Camino with you, albeit vicariously! Much love as you go to this next great adventure!
    Your pal, Jane

  2. Thanks Jane! Will look forward to hearing tales of CA and gentle FL spring days perhaps while floating in the pool in the summer! Hi to Bob and Stacy! Love,Susan

  3. I wish you luck on your journey. Wish I could go with you.I've always wanted to go hiking. Send pictures. Keith will be participating in Bocci Ball Torunment for speical olympics.

  4. Thanks Mary! Congrats to Keith for all of his many achievements including swimming, the Bocci games, and all of his gifts he gives all! Will try and figure out the photo process. A short stroll at the beach is sounding good right now-ye gads-what am I thinking? HAHA!

  5. From a dear friend on the Appalachian Trail
    Jolly Rancher, this is GREAT! Thanks for including me on your
    adventure blog. I am jealous. No idea when I/we will depart on
    another long distance hike, but for now we will certainly be living
    vicariously through you (as your other friend said above). Will you
    take on another trail name? How do you say Jolly Rancher in Spanish?
    I'm certain you've researched that, right? Hike On, Nails (and
    Fenway) GA->ME 2000
